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PSYCHE: Psychedelics & Neuroplasticity for Longevity

Denisa Rensen

The mind is one of the most powerful longevity tools we have—but only if we train it to remain adaptive, expansive, and resilient. Psychedelics are revolutionizing the science of neuroplasticity, cognitive health, and emotional processing—rewiring neural pathways, enhancing creativity, and shifting consciousness itself. How do altered states of perception influence aging, stress resilience, and cellular repair?

We will explore:

  • The neuroscience of psychedelics—how psilocybin, LSD, ketamine, and DMT promote neurogenesis

  • The link between altered states & longevity—how expanded consciousness shifts stress response and immune function

  • Microdosing vs. macrodosing—different approaches for neuroplasticity and resilience

  • How entheogens influence mitochondrial function, dopamine regulation, and cognitive health

Longevity is not just about extending years—it is about expanding awareness. Psychedelics offer a profound tool for mental regeneration, emotional processing, and the rewiring of deep neurological patterns that shape aging.