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SOMA: Quantifying Biological Age & The Science of Aging Backward

Denisa Rensen

How old are you—biologically? Chronological age is just a number, but biological age tells the real story. Measuring cellular age gives us insight into how we are truly aging and how to reverse it with precision. Today’s cutting-edge biomarkers—from epigenetic clocks to metabolic panels—allow us to track and influence the aging process like never before.

This session explores:

  • Epigenetic clocks—and how to track biological age shifts

  • Mitochondrial function & metabolic flexibility—key markers of youth

  • Inflammatory load & immune aging—how to measure and mitigate

  • Biological aging panels—how to decode lab results and implement interventions

If we can quantify aging, we can reverse it. Understanding which markers matter most and how to track improvements over time is the key to precision longevity.