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AI & The Future of Human Longevity

Denisa Rensen

AI is not separate from longevity—it is the most powerful tool we have for optimizing, tracking, and accelerating biological regeneration. What happens when machine intelligence meets human evolution? This session explores the future of longevity, regenerative medicine, and AI-driven health optimization—and how we can leverage technology to live longer, think better, and expand what it means to be human.

We will explore:

  • How AI is revolutionizing biological age reversal—predicting and personalizing longevity interventions

  • The intersection of AI & consciousness—how brain-machine interfaces are shifting neuroplasticity

  • The ethics of AI-driven longevity—who gets access, and what does it mean for humanity?

  • The next decade of regenerative biotech—where longevity is headed and how to prepare

Longevity is no longer just about biology—it is about harnessing intelligence, innovation, and the tools that will shape the future of human lifespan and consciousness.