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Meticulously Crafted Courses with One-One component with Dr. Denisa Rensen



An elegantly crafted course designed to illuminate the intricate world of HORMONES. Drawing from the latest insights on metabolic & bioenergetic medicine, peptides and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), this course provides practical strategies for achieving hormonal balance through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and most effective hormone balancing prescriptions and interventions. With a special focus on biomodulation with peptides and replacement with bio-identical hormones, you'll gain the understanding to appreciate its benefits, ask the right questions, and make informed decisions tailored to your needs. Whether addressing hormonal imbalances or seeking to optimize your health, the HORMONES Salon equips you with deep understanting and tools to enhance your well-being and vitality.



A protocols-focused PEPTIDES course designed to unveil the transformative potential of peptides and bioregulators in health and wellness. Drawing from the latest research and practical applications, this course provides comprehensive insights into how peptides can enhance physical performance, boost immune function, and promote overall vitality. Each module delves into the science behind peptides, their diverse benefits, and how to effectively incorporate them into your wellness regimen. You'll gain the knowledge to appreciate their advantages, ask the right questions, and make informed decisions on dosing and protocols. Whether you're seeking to enhance athletic performance, support recovery, or optimize your health, the PEPTIDES Salon equips you with the tools to harness the power of peptides and elevate your well-being.



A comprehensive course designed to explore the transformative power of BIOLOGICS in health and regenerative medicine. This course delves into the latest advancements and applications of biologics, covering everything from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and autohemotherapy to stem cells, exosomes, NK cells, dendritic cells and gene therapy. Each module provides in-depth insights into the science behind these innovative treatments, their potential benefits, and how to effectively incorporate them into your health regimen. There is special focus on navigating the world of regenerative medicine, finding best biologics sources and implementing most effective protocols. You'll gain the knowledge to appreciate the advantages of each, ask the right questions, and make informed decisions tailored to your unique needs.



Regenerative Biophysics is the future of medicine, hands down. This Salon is all about this gorgeous topic in health optimization and longevity. You will be introduced to how bioelectrics, biomagnetics, biophotonics and biosonics, how scalar and plasma technologies are all coming together to provide all new perspectives and solutions to repair, regeneration, biomodulation and longevity. 

We will cover in detail the bioresonance solutions already available for free in nature, found in regenerative and biohacking circles and what is coming in the future with the advent of new technologies and artificial intelligence. 

This course is a mix of wisdom, science and foresight, allowing you to navigate this new field with great questions and finding best solutions for your optimization and longevity, available now.