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Sexual Rejuvenation: The Next Frontier of Longevity Medicine

Denisa Rensen

Sexual vitality is a key indicator of biological youth. Libido, erectile function, vaginal health, and overall sexual well-being are not separate from longevity—they are core reflections of metabolic health, cardiovascular function, and neuroendocrine balance. This session explores the newest advancements in sexual rejuvenation, from stem cell therapies and peptide protocols to bioelectrical and regenerative interventions that restore peak sexual health.

We will explore:

  • The link between sexual health, nitric oxide, and longevity—how optimizing blood flow impacts every system in the body

  • PRP and stem cell therapies for erectile and vaginal rejuvenation

  • The impact of testosterone, oxytocin, and estrogen balance on libido and arousal

  • Bioelectrical approaches—shockwave therapy, PEMF, and frequency-based modalities for sexual health

Sexual longevity is not about chasing youth—it is about maintaining the biological markers of vitality, circulation, and deep hormonal resilience.