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The Longevity Diet: What to Eat and When to Fast

Denisa Rensen

Food is not just fuel—it is information. Every bite sends biochemical signals that shape your metabolism, your cellular repair processes, and the trajectory of your aging. What if the key to longevity isn’t just about what we eat, but also when we eat—and when we don’t? This session deciphers the most cutting-edge insights on nutrition, fasting, and metabolic flexibility, revealing how to eat for true regeneration.

The body is designed to move between states of nourishment and fasting, repair and renewal. But in a world of constant food availability, we have lost touch with the rhythms of cellular regeneration. Every meal is either signaling growth or repair, and longevity is about mastering this balance. The longevity diet is not about restriction—it is about strategic nourishment, giving the body precisely what it needs to thrive while creating space for deep cellular cleansing and renewal.

In this session, we explore the science of autophagy, fasting-mimicking strategies, circadian eating, metabolic flexibility, and nutrient-dense longevity foods. We go beyond diet trends to uncover how to activate genetic pathways that optimize repair, reduce inflammation, and sustain vitality for decades.

This is nourishment, not just for survival, but for profound regeneration.