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DR | DENISA RENSEN - Health & Transformation Programs - “I help you get your health, your body, and your life — back!”


There are 4 Programs you can choose from,



The HORMONES Program

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your hormones, balanced

In the Hormones Program, I help you achieve hormonal balance, which is essential for overall wellbeing. Through personalized plans, we address hormonal imbalances to enhance energy levels, mood, and overall vitality.


The HEALTH Program

your health, restored & optimized

In the Health Program, we focus on getting you finally well, ensuring your body functions once again at its best. We address underlying health issues, chronic conditions, restore metabolic health, and set into motion long-term health.


your body, lean & energized

In the Weightloss Program, we focus on resetting the metabolism, and employing the power of peptides and GNM to get your body fat adapted and lean again. This program is a full body make-over.



your life, enhanced & rejuvenated

In the Longevity Program, we focus on turning back the clock, through a comprehensive metabolic clock reset, repair & regeneration, biological age reversal therapeutics & whole body rejuvenation.

I help you get your health, your body, and your life — back!