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K L O T H O , F O L L I S T A T I N

G e n e T h e r a p y


You’ve asked about it. We’ve carefully developed it. And now, it’s here.

A new generation of advanced gene therapies is available for pre-order. With a

redesigned circular DNA platform, we’ve enhanced safety, efficacy, and long-term

expression—without the inflated costs typically seen in the industry. The first two

genes of this new generation available are α-KLOTHO and FOLLISTATIN-344.


The Brain Optimization and Longevity Gene

Klotho plays a crucial role in extending lifespan and enhancing cognitive function.

Research suggests that increased expression of Klotho in the blood supports brain

health, organ health, and overall longevity. This is a remarkable gene for reversing

the aging process and restoring your cognitive edge.


The Musculoskeletal and Longevity Gene

Follistatin is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength, promoting muscle

growth and skeletal resilience as we age. It supports metabolic balance and helps

protect against joint degeneration, including osteoarthritis. The ideal gene for

improving musculoskeletal health and reversing the aging process with superior

strength and stability.


A Private Invitation

Secure early access to this new generation of gene therapies with our discrete pre-

order invitation, available for a limited few during September 2024.

Standard Access: $15,000 USD per gene

Private Invitation: $9,000 USD per gene | $15,000 USD for two genes

 To learn about the Gene Therapy available,

please visit

To learn more, please visit my insights blog post about Gene Therapy