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as they inform the health of the FUTURE HUMAN 

A Professional Lecture By Dr. Denisa Rensen

"We know that up to 30,000 variations from a single inherited gene sequence may be produced at any given instance. Our psychological and biological environment delegates which of these get expressed in real time. The future human is - simply - YOU+ - higher consciousness, regenerative genomic expression."

- Dr. Denisa Rensen


In this TED-style lecture, Dr. Denisa Rensen dives into the

Psychological & Biological SIGNATURE of


- the 3 KEY states of FUTURE consciousness -

and how these guide GENE EXPRESSION and thereby design PHYSICAL SUPERLONGEVITY


"Everything you experience designs your gene expression. Unlimited lifespans will happen only once our body is set to the FLOW- BLISS -ECSTASIS GENOME tract."

- Dr. Denisa Rensen


Dr. Rensen contrasts the non-ordinary states of consciousness of FLOW, BLISS & ECSTASIS with mere regular states of general 21st century normal wellness & contentment, and makes a strong case for | The Future Human | to actively cultivate FLOW, BLISS & ECSTASIS for TOP Physical & Psychological Performance in Superlongevity.

She draws from research in epigenetics, human performance and medicine. She uses examples from SEALTeam Design, Silicon Valley Innovation training, High Level Meditation, Microdosing Psychadelics, Full Spectrum Sexuality, the Future of Technology & Exponential Medicine.

"The evolved future human lives simply "NORTH of happiness'."

- Dr. Denisa Rensen


FLOW, BLISS, ECSTASIS - The Future Human will embody these non-ordinary states of consciousness not as mere fleeting 'states' but as long-lasting 'TRAITS'.


This lecture is filled with

  • highly interesting & cutting-edge research in psychology, medicine & epigenetics

  • with relevant clinical pearls and novel approach to transhuman physiology

  • with actionable take-aways that anyone in the audience can begin to implement in everyday life



PART 1 : THE FUTURE HUMAN - The Physical and the Metaphysical Structure & Genetics

PART 2: HIGHER MIND - FLOW, BLISS and ECSTASIS - their biological signature & resulting Epigenetics






FLOW - non-ordinary state of consciousness that embodies a deep sense of selflessness, timelessness, richness & effortlessness. The research on FLOW STATES & the various STAGES of FLOW is vast, and the biological signature of these states is meticulously delineated in literature - biochemistry, neurochemistry, brain wave patterns of different flow stages, and cardiological & hormonal markers. 

BLISS - non-ordinary flow state of consciousness that embodies FLOW coupled with a sense of BLESSEDNESS. The feminine frequency, the Yin of FLOW. This discussion involves FLOW STATES plus the metaphysical energetics of the body & mind. 

ECSTASIS - non-ordinary flow state of consciousness that embodies FLOW coupled with AWE. The masculine frequency, the Yang of FLOW. Plato coined this term - to point at the importance of higher mind states in human evolution. This discussion involves FLOW STATES plus the metaphysical energetics of the body & mind. 

EPIGENETICS - at the very heart of every cell in our body, we have mechanisms by which environmental stimulus interacts with our genome and controls genetic activity. This environment can be physical and metaphysical. This is the Field of Epigenetics. The research on this area of human health is also meticulously delineated.

FUTURE HUMAN | YOU+ - An evolved trans/human that embodies physical homeostasis & metaphysical harmony. One that is in full resonance with physical & metaphysical meaning and wellness. The Full Spectrum Human.


“ Dr. Denisa Rensen is a true FUTURE RENAISSANCE WOMAN.

She designs lives for BLISS - the ZENITH of the metaphysical & physical state of the human. “

Dr. Denisa Rensen is a true fusion of the renaissance woman and the future FEMME. Her expertise in anti-aging & regenerative functional medicine is beautifully fused with her passion for optimal living, consciousness expansion & futurism.

Her life mission is to design lives and futures for bliss – yes! BLISS – the zenith of human emotional, metaphysical and physical life. Curating inner peace & sensuous passion back into your daily lives – this is her oyster. She is a wealth of knowledge & wisdom AND she's deeply loving and straight up fun. You will love her presence and the tremendous value she brings into your life.

In the clinical setting, Dr. Denisa offers evidence-based and innovative medical solutions for women’s functional longevity, hormones, menopause, fertility & ovarian rejuvenation, cognitive function & mood, cardiovascular, neurological & metabolic conditions, allergies & rheumatological conditions (LDA/LDI),  medically supervised weightloss, sports and exercise nutrition, IV nutrient & chelation therapy, and Platelet Enriched Plasma & Mesotherapy for Aesthetic Rejuvenation. She is the founder & CEO of blissdesigned – a global brand for women. She is a fellow in the A4M American Academy Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine.