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blissDesigned MEDICINE

I am Dr. Denisa Rensen and I am passionate about Quality Life-Design & Superlongevity.

I am here to support you, as you design your health, your life for SIGNIFICANCE, for IMPACT & for BLISS.

I offer gentle, evidence-based and innovative medical solutions for women’s hormones, cognitive function & mood, cardiovascular, neurological & metabolic conditions, allergies & rheumatological conditions (LDA/LDI),  medically supervised weightloss, hCG, sports and exercise nutrition, IV nutrient & chelation therapy, Platelet Enriched Plasma PRP for Pain & Injury Repair and for Aesthetic Rejuvenation.

Women's medicine should be regenerative & beautiful. That is why I designed a boutique blissDesigned Medicine Series, a comprehensive treatment protocol that allows for quality time for connection & genuine collaboration. 



"Wherever there is a love of medicine, there is a love of humanity"  

- Hippocrates